Friday, August 17, 2007

BOOKS.....! you gotta love 'em...

hEY Bloggers! (who are bloggers? is it the readers or the writers? if the writers why do we call the readers bloggers? anyway...)

Finally! I have Every Boy's got one-Meg Cabot...and it rocks! like all other Meg books...DUH!
I almost couldn't get it cos' my mom said that me and my dad spend way too much $$$ on books so well we aren't allowed to buy any more...BUT I used my charming sweetness to change her mind abt this book...LOL...but its a way. Now you're thinking....SPOILT BRAT!!! or the kind of things that automatically come into your mind when you think abt only childs which are totally unfair...its a STEREOTYPE!!! (is that how you spell it?) even though alot of times its true...but still unfair! Anyway, now that I've got all of the Meg Cabot books that I can possibly get now...I'm focusing on SHOPAHOLIC! which really isn't so bad.even though I'm not into shopping that much...other than books, which so far I have not read abt her buying yet...ooooo...except for that indian curry cook book that i don't think really counts...cos' I well don't buy cook books, but whatever its still nice. READ IT!

List of books that I have bought:

  1. Life swap-Jane Green
  2. The Confessions of A Shopaholic-Sophie Kinsella
  3. Every Boy's Got One-MEg Cabot

Things you can buy for my B'day (its on the 26th i'm turning TERRIBLE THIRTEEN)

  1. Shopaholic takes Mannhattan-Sophie Kinsella
  2. Shopaholic Ties the Knot-Sophie Kinsella
  3. Shopaholic and Sister-Sophie Kinsella
  4. Shopaholic and Baby-Sophie Kinsella
  5. Marcy and Me-don't know the author but it has a golden retriever on its cover
  6. Ten things to do before you're 16-again don't know the author.

So tmr I'm going to JB so I guess I won't be posting anything till probably school starts...oh yeah hopefully we go to SIngapore...BOOKS HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!

CIA-over and OUT!

ps. I had to use my own precious $$$ for the books...sniff...

pps. Lots of times the only child is restricted from doing many things that you guys can. eg. going out with friends alone, having your own E-freaking-Mail even when you're turning terrible THIRTEEN, and a whole bunch of other stuff (man this is a long pps)...again...over and out!


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