Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Holiday....? So the holidays are here...and almost over.


Not great.

The holidays always seem so bright and shiny when I'm months away from it I'm like planning what I want to do for the holidays and then when it's finally here...I'm like wait, why are the holidays almost over? Didn't they ust start? What did I do anyway? OK, let's see, I er..slept, oh yeah, did a lot of that. What else? oooo, i followed mummy to the shop and um...oh yeah I read a book! and did a bit of LIFEPACS and ofcourse WATCHED TV!

I don't know about you guys but I feel like the holidays are just flying by...which isn't a surprise since I slept for most of the time...haih...how on earth am I going to write a report on what I did during my holidays?

This is probably how it'll be like:
During these past two weeks, all I have done is sleep, eat, read, watch TV, surf the net and a bit of LIFEPACS. Nothing really interesting happened therefore I have nothing to write. Please don't blame me for have such a bad report, it's not my fault that I have a boring life.


Hopefully, something interesting will happen or this would have to be my report.


Holidays can be sooooooooo boring or soooooooooo much fun. In my case, it's always the earlier, unless we go somewhere, but that's different, I haven't been out of Malaysia for ages! Excluding Singapore, but I haven't even been there in ages.

Why is my life so boring?

It really is, I mean, My days are like in a rut. I do things without thinking. It's like a routine. Like, get up brush teeth, wash face, get dressed, tie hair, scream at mummy to hurry up, go to school, do work, eat, do work, go home (shop) sleep (have tuition, extra class) go home shower go online, practice piano, get ready for school tommorrow and then go to sleep. Repeat cycle for the rest of my teenage life.

Yeah...I hate it. Kinda. Well, yeah ,I think I do. But whatever, hopefully my adult life would be more productive...meaning, not in a RUT!

I think that's the word...atleast I'm sure it sounds like it.Oh well, guess that's my life, sucky.But to the few viewers who read this sucky blog of my sucky life, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! and thankyou for reading this sucky post.

Now I have to go and eat.

So bye.

~CIA over and out~Ps. I'm just bored, I'm gonna commit suicide cos of my sucky life or anything...so don't panic or anything, and if u didn't panic then don't start.


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