Thursday, April 3, 2008


Salutations! Welcome to my humble blog...blah blah blah....

I am so tired...but I don't feel like

Today we didn't do any work at ALL!!! why? We were preparong for our presentation. WHy so late only prepare? Ah...that is what the teacher's were saying also. We were assigned our book reports 2 weeks ago...but last week (the week we were supposed to do what we were assigned) we did something else. I had to read a malay story, "Budak yang Degil"....teacher's comments? you should have memorized it and speak response in my do you expect me to memorize a FREAKING story in another language when you told me to do this about 3 hours ago...minus lunch and devotion 2....not to mention we had to do some work.

So this week, me being forgetful as ussual, forgot all about the book reports. So, I, came happily/ innocently to school today thinking that there won't be any presentations and then WHAM!!! we have to do em' freaking reports!!!

I was supposed to do on The Hiding I tried my best to recall what I read...and wrote a book review...WHICH I HAD TO MEMORIZE!!!

So at the end...I DID IT!!! I did the FREAKING REPORT!!!

Comments...poor paper. Huh? you're thinking....Well...if you ask SWT or Renee they will tell you that I have the itchiest hands on planet earth. Give me a piece of paper, in less than 5 minutes it would be in ruins....folded marks everywhere, all the edges would be curly and most likely holes in em' too. So, while I was standing up in front of everyone I has twisting the paper round and round and yeah! Also Mr. Lim was counting how many times everyone said "erm" or "um" (which ever way u wanna say it) and I only had....drumroll....5!!! haha....that's real little compared to someones 25!!! and another someone's 10 or 15 I think....haha....but I did have a few "la's" yeah...that's um....OOPS! story of today's presentation! TADAA!!! haha

OK....I'm not THAT bad...I still did work today...we stayed back till 5! I did complete a bit of work....though from 4:30 onwards...we played a little! DO have book and movie updates...but I'll leave it for the next post...

SAYUNARA! (is that how you spell it? whatever?)

~CIA over and out~


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