Wednesday, June 13, 2007


OMG! I am sooooo full!

I just finnished having dinner and am so stuffed...ahhhh! I can hardly talk and breathe at the same time! but atleast I can still type...

I'm also kinda sad cos' I have to miss the Planet Shakers concert and JOel's church rally thing. So I have to miss these things cos' we're (me,parents,aunty and bf) going to Johor and Singapore. I guess the only good thing about this trip is that I get to miss school on Monday but that isn't totally good either...haih...if you ain't got no money take your BROKE AsS HOME!!!! I'm listening to Glamorous now (obviously in a way) its kinda nice after awhile...hmmmmm

What else has happened in the past few weeks that I have to share?....ooooo....I just got my POINTE SHOES! YAY! what is it you ask (incase you don't know)? they're ballet shoes...the kind you use to stand on your toes and they like totally hurt like crazy...OUCH! but I still need to get some1 to sew them 4 moi...I'm excited about this cos' usually nwhen you're a kid you see those pretty ballerinas on tv on their toes and you go I wanna learn to do that so you learn dance which usually you end up quiting which I almost did especially after grd 6 (so hard) but my mom would't let me (thanx MOM) so I had to stay on and finally I get to learn Pointe shoes after more than around 6 years of waiting! So I guess I'm pretty excited abt it...

So...I've pretty much ran out of things to write so I guess this is good-bye till the next post so...


lOve Alicia...


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